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Image by Pawel Czerwinski

Day 2  (10 Nov)

Clinical Cytometry





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9 :00

Dr. Maura Ikoma

Multicentric standardization in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemias


MsC. Beatriz Perez Romano

Importance of clinical cytometrist communication for hemato oncology report


Poster - Juan Carlos Balandrán

VCAM1 confers innate immune tolerance on hematopoietic and leukaemic stem cells


Poster- Marcos Paulo Vicari Souza

Comparability of CD34 + cell enumeration for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation using two different flow cytometers platforms.


Macarena Izquierdo

Why do we need an automated analysis in our flow cytometry studies?






Dr. Sandra Quijano

Prof. Martin Perez Andrés

Poster - Eli de Jesús Fuentes Chávez

AIDS-associated lymphomas

Immunodeficiencies by flow cytometry

Dissociation of the Rituximab-CD20 immune complex into B cells by elution with acid-glycine-EDTA


Poster - Leidy Johana Hurtado

Determination of T lymphocyte stability with time and temperature variables through flow cytometry


Nydia bacal
(KOL - Beckman Coulter)

The challenges and resources of flow cytometry in ALL EMR research


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Meet our speakers
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Dr. Maura Ikoma

Amaral Carvalho Hospital
Rua das Palmeiras, 150 / CEP: 17210-080 - Jau - State of São Paulo - Brazil

She has a degree in Human Medicine from the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (Brazil). She did her Medical Residency in Hematology and Hemotherapy at the Paulista State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP) -Brazil, where she also obtained a Masters and Doctors degree in Clinical Pathophysiology. Specialization in Flow Cytometry at Salamanca University (Spain). Since 1992, she has been coordinating clinical flow cytometry laboratories, initially at the Blood Center at UNESP and, since 2003, at the Bone Marrow Transplant Center at the Hospital Amaral Carvalho -Brazil. She is a founding member of the Brazilian Group of Flow Cytometry of which she was executive coordinator for 2 terms. She is the coordinator of the MRD Group of the Brazilian Society of Cell Therapy and Bone Marrow Transplant, of which she was also one of the founders in 2012.

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MsC. Beatriz Perez Romano

Independent Advisor in the Application of Flow Cytometry in the area of clinical diagnosis.

Graduated as a Pharmacist Biologist Chemist (QFB) from the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, BUAP. Master's Degree in Clinical Laboratory Sciences, specializing in Immunology from the Universidad De Las Américas Puebla, UDLAP.

Flow Cytometry and Immunology Analyst from 1983 to 1998 and Supervisor of the Flow Cytometry, Immunology and Endocrinology areas from 1988 to 2017 at Laboratorios Clínicos de Puebla.

From 2017 to 2019: Operational Director of the Laboratory  Medlab and head of the Flow Cytometry area.

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Dr. Sandra Quijano

Professor Department of Microbiology. Science Faculty. Pontifical
Javeriana university.


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Prof. Martin Perez Andrés


Use this space to introduce yourself and share your professional history.


Dr. Nydia Bacal

Physician at Albert Einstein Hospital

Thirty-six years of professional experience in the Clinical Staff and as Responsible Physician of the Clinical Laboratory of the Hematology Center of São Paulo. Doctor and partner of the Rosenfeld Laboratory from 1986 to 1991. Thirty-four years of professional experience in the Clinical Pathology Laboratory of the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein.

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