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  • Página Facebook de la Red LatinFlow

/ RedLatinFlow

Thanks a lot!

Our Virtual Cytometry Congress 2020 has been a success!

Thanks to all the professionals who so generously shared their knowledge with us with enthusiasm and dedication, thanks to the organizing committee of the Ibero-American Cytometry Network for their effort to organize this event and thanks to our sponsors who with their support have made it possible for this event to be available to all interested for free.

And above all thanks to all the attendees , who have accompanied us in this cycle of conferences either live or on demand through digital platforms, their presence makes it clear that our mission to disseminate the possibilities of cytometry in all fields of science it's accomplishing.

Atte. Latinflow organizing committee

All the recorded conferences that you can access in our auditorium will be available on our Facebook platform for the remainder of 2020

Get your proof of the event

In order to send your proof of participation to all those who so wish, please answer the following quality questionnaire which you can access by clicking on the following button:


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